Monday, May 2, 2011

'Full Steam Ahead' is for Boats, Not Trains

Toot toot!
This is another one of those things I always just sort of suspected and assumed but didn't actually for certain know. Well, now I do!

By my reasoning and intimate knowledge of history, at some point in the past, some primitive man-ape creature discovered fire.
Several millenia passed, and finally, mankind was evolved enough to beat two sticks and a rock together to invent the miracle of the steam engine.

Naturally, it was around the same time that everyone started to dress well and the world went monochrome.

Once the steam engine was invented, it was clear what came next: applying to things that we already had. Hamburgers, zombies, and, yes, even boats, now became steam-powered. It wouldn't be for another few years until we thought to apply steam engines to new uses, and a myriad of brilliant new devices were invented: the printing press, lightsabers, and trains.

Since steamboats had such a headstart over any sort of train (the first sort of which was the steam train), it was for the steamboat that the phrase "Full steam ahead!" evolved, meaning, of course, to convert as much heat energy to mechanical energy as was possible to increase the velocity of the vessel and go as fast as one could.

Other interesting things I learnt today:
  • The philosopher John Dewey was 92 when he died
  • Osama bin Laden has been killed by American troops in Pakistan
  • 'Caterpillar' is a particularly delightful word to say!

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