Friday, May 20, 2011

Baby Pelican Seizures

In unsurprising news, parent pelicans feed their young. In more surprising news, however, it turns out that young pelicans undergo violent seizures just after they've been fed.

Unlike the effects of sugar on your usual five year old, however, a totally normal and healthy pelican child will seizure itself into unconsciousness after eating. What. Let me run that by you again, just so you can see exactly how much sense it doesn't make:

After eating, a child pelican will violently seize until it falls unconscious.

Fortunately for the pelican children, by looking into it a bit deeper, you can make it make sense. Hooray! Unfortunately for the pelican children, this is achieved by mentioned that mother pelicans drag their children around by the head before feeding them. "Roughly" was the precise adverb used. What the devil, mother pelicans? Why would you drag your children around by their heads at all, never mind do it roughly? Are you actively trying to encourage them to spaz into submission?


Anyway, I started writing this several hours ago, and then I went to the theatre to see Rent. It was pretty darn good and I recommend it! Kudos to all involved. Now I've forgotten my train of thought, but hey. You get the idea.

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